Endorsement from:

Lieutenant Colonel Allen B. West

Incoming Dallas County Republican Party Chair, Member,112th US Congress and Former Chairman, Republican Party of Texas

It is my distinct honor and pleasure to endorse my friend and fellow constitutional conservative Debbie Georgatos in her race for Republican National Committeewoman from the Great State of Texas. I have know Debbie for many years, going back to my time in Congress and can attest to her impeccable character, firm dedication to the foundational principles of this Constitutional Republic, and strong articulation of the issues we face as America, and Texas. Debbie will not be a voice for the established donor and political class, but rather continue her service as a strong grassroots advocate. Texas deserves to have a Republican National Committeewoman who will honor the constituency of the Texas GOP, that has not been the case of recent time. Texas has the largest State Republican Party in the Nation, and on July 4, 1867, it was founded in Houston by 150 Black men. Debbie will not allow the progressive socialist left and the Democrat Party to continue to denigrate the history of the GOP, and will bravely expose the left and the Democrat party for who they are! Debbie is a fearless leader that the Texas GOP needs, and deserves, as their National Committeewoman. Therefore, I give Debbie Georgatos by unequivocal endorsement without any reservation.
