Debbie Georgatos
for Texas RNC Committeewoman
- Powerful Voice for Texas Grassroots
- Relentless Advocate for Restoring America’s Unique Greatness
- Passionate Informed Patriot
- All-in to Save America
Because America Matters.

Why I’m Running
I am passionate about defending and preserving the unique greatness of America in every way. I am equally deeply concerned that the fundamental promises of America’s founding in liberty are under existential threat from the leftists who have taken control of America. I want to be a voice within the RNC for the millions of Republican voters in Texas who feel the same.
The RNC Committeewoman for Texas is a position I am distinctively prepared for and qualified to fill. We are facing an all-out assault to take down this country, and I clearly understand, with no delusions, what is at stake. As the RNC Committeewoman, I will never hesitate in confronting and working to defeat this assault.
Ten plus years ago my patriot prayers led me to use my background as a lawyer and advocate to write a book called “Ladies, Can We Talk? America Needs Our Vote!”; and then to spend the last nearly ten years as a talk show host, first on Salem Radio, now through my online show “America, Can We Talk?”.
Serving as RNC Committeewoman for Texas will be a logical continuation of the passion that led me to write my book and to host my show. The RNC has the capacity and the responsibility to encourage, educate, and embolden elected Republicans in Washington to know that GOP voting base all over America, who love America as “one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all,” want their leaders to stand up and act decisively to STOP this destruction of America.
I want to be a voice within the RNC for the millions of Republican voters in Texas who are alarmed that the federal government is threatening, repressing, and punishing free speech and other rights, has brazenly weaponized and defiled the rule of law, has turned a willfully blind eye toward conclusive evidence of election rigging, has abandoned the southern border, is threatening economic freedom via CBDC, is willing to surrender American sovereignty to the WHO and other globalist entities, and is led by a President who is apparently compromised by America’s most serious enemies.
I will be a strong and bold voice for the Republican voter base as RNC Committeewoman for Texas. We’re going to need legislation, policy prescriptions, and executive actions to save this country and I am confident I can be a force within the RNC, helping to advance America toward these goals.
America needs the Republican Party, guided by the RNC, to rise to the historic demands of these times. Everything is at stake. I want to help that effort.
That’s why I’m running. Because America Matters.

America, Can We Talk Show
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3pm central – listen live here.

The Book
A friendly, footnoted conversation about what makes America precious. Available on Amazon..
Issues That Matter to Saving America
At this time in our country’s history, we must decide what kind of future we want for America. Whether we want to preserve and perpetuate America as founded, rooted in God-given liberty, the right of the individual to live in freedom, free markets etc., or whether we are willing to surrender to the great push coming from America’s leftists to slither into socialism, collapse into collectivism, lose our liberty.
This is also a time of great opportunity in America. Time for relearning WHY America was and is great, and that the idea from the Declaration of Independence that our right to freedom is God-given and inalienable, is indeed timeless, true, vital, and worthy of defending. Here is a list of just a few of the most important issues:
Integrity in elections is essential to preserving self-governance by We the People.
We have major election integrity problems in America. We must work within the system we have, but the goal to assure trustworthy elections over time is to return to paper ballots only, and the hand-counting of them, a process used in 209 countries around the world.
You only need to read Mesa County Report #3 from Arizona, and the Halderman Report and analysis of it out of Georgia, process even a little bit of the research by Dr. Douglas Frank (and here) as well as by Seth Keshel (and here), absorb the information in the 2000 Mules; [S]election Code and Kill Chain documentaries, and process the unchangeable fact that all computers are hackable as shown by the fact that even those belonging to the DOD, FBI, and more get hacked, to know this.
While this is a state law issue, national voices are needed.
Parents, not the government at any level, hold the primary right and responsibility to educate their children. The U.S. Department of Education, if not shut down altogether, should be limited in the ways it controls public school policies, including an end to any mandates that allow biological males to participate in female sports. At the state level, school choice with no strings attached, along with encouragement and support of homeschooling parents, will help rescue children from poor quality public schools, and give them a better chance in life.
The Biden administration has abandoned southern border enforcement. They have thereby aided and abetted the flooding of America with illegal aliens and fentanyl, and at the same time they have crushed responsible immigration policy. The GOP is needed as the voice of the people to STOP this. Build that wall!
Law and policy at the state and federal level should support and protect the family and the innocence of children. The cultural invasion by the Left that pushes sexualization of children, drag queen shows for kids in public venues, and the grooming of children to believe they can choose and should try to change their gender, are all affronts to the innocence of children.
Covid taught us that there are people in government at every level who will readily seize on the opportunity to control our lives and take away our freedom. Vaccine mandates, mask mandates, shutdown mandates imposed on businesses and churches all reflect a presumption that government can impose extreme mandates without accountability, and that Americans have no recourse. This is an affront to our freedom.
A hard NO is the only answer to any proposed CBDC. Central Bank Digital Currency is a vehicle the American Left is pushing to take away your freedom, though it’s disguised as a convenience to help eliminate the need for pesky, messy cash. Bitcoin and other private forms of digital currency are fine because private and a choice. CBDC is government-controlled digital currency and is one huge step toward creating the American equivalent of the Chinese Credit Score System.
Americans must not surrender sovereignty on ANYTHING to any international organizations. The World Economic Forum is a looming globalist threat to American sovereignty. Leftists in America are pushing for surrendering American sovereignty over healthcare and especially pandemic policy, to the WHO. Americans must not surrender sovereignty on anything to any international organizations.
The treatment of thousands of American J6 protesters by the U.S. government including by the DOJ, FBI, federal judges, jail officials and more will go down as an ugly and dark stain on American history and must be righted. Thousands of Americans were arrested for participating in a protest in Washington on January 6, 2021, though only a tiny handful of those present committed violence of any kind. The resulting FBI battering-ram, door-busting, guns-blazing arrests of Americans, followed by the detaining of many without due process, the physical abuse of those prisoners, along with the unconscionable double standard about who is prosecuted in this country versus who is protected, are all drastically out of bounds in America, where the rule of law and blind justice are supposed to be core commitments.
The World Economic Forum Great Reset away from freedom is exactly what America’s leftists want. They have never held more power in America than they do today. The RNC needs to be a BIG voice in rejecting all of this, to reconfirm that the Reset that is really needed, is back to freedom.
The climate change alarmism agenda pushed by leftists is not about climate, it is about spreading irrational fear, and expanding government power and control over the economy and life. My interview with Marc Morano on my America Can We Talk show is packed with climate truth you need to know. Alarmist-driven climate policy pushed by today’s leftists is at its core an attack on the future of individual freedom. The practical impact will be the loss of freedom to travel, to drive your car where you want, to live in the rural or suburban areas of your choice, even to eat what you like to eat.
I want you to know who I am and what I think, so I invite you to check my website regularly for my latest blog posts and show commentary.

A little background on me…
I’m Debbie Georgatos, and I am running for RNC Committeewoman from Texas.
For the past nearly ten years, I have hosted America, Can We Talk (ACWT), a conservative talk show dedicated to preserving America’s unique and extraordinary greatness. ( ACWT aired on Salem Radio for five years and is now on all major social media platforms except YouTube, as well as on BrighteonTV. The show content reflects the depth and substance of the topics I discuss and of the many prominent thought leader guests I’ve interviewed.
In 2020, I founded and served as moderator for the First Annual Women for Freedom Summit, a prominent national conference held annually in Dallas. Fourth Annual coming up in fall 2023!
I have served as:
- President and board member – Park Cities Republican Women
- Vice Chair – Dallas County GOP
- Precinct Chair
- Election Judge, Election Clerk, Poll Watcher & Campaign Volunteer
- Dallas County Council of Republican Women – Board Member
- Heritage Foundation DFW Steering Committee Member
I’ve spoken at dozens of political events and served as a Keynote speaker at prominent conservative and GOP conferences and meetings throughout Texas and beyond, including at the U.S. Republican Congressional Spouses’ Speakers’ Series in Washington D.C, and as a guest lecturer at the SMU Women’s Economic Forum.
I frequently serve as an invited moderator for political debates, forums, and meetings, and worked as a Fox News Radio National Political Analyst.
In 2012, I wrote and published Ladies, Can We Talk, America Needs Our Vote, a policy-centered book dedicated to inspiring women to vote to preserve America.
Directly after law school, I worked as a labor and employment law attorney focused on management side employment litigation and labor law advice.
My husband and I are grateful for 38+ years of a very happy marriage, committed to our Christian faith, and thankful for the years I was able to be a stay-at-home mom for our three now-grown children.
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